Do you have an uninvited house ghost?
If you could read the energy in a home, would it make it harder to buy your first house? In my second book, Sightseeing in the Undiscovered Country, a family bought a charming old home but got more than they bargained for in the attic. Another family developed a warm relationship with the former departed […]
Are past lives real?
Do you believe in reincarnation—that after we die, we are born again into another life? Well, according to a recent survey, 51 percent of the world’s population holds that belief. More than 18,000 people in 23 countries participated in the survey conducted by the Global Research Society and the Institute for Social Research. Interestingly, one of […]
Why do the departed hang around?
We often read about how blissful it is to go to the white light after death. So, if it’s so wonderful, why do the departed sometimes hang around? No one knows for sure, but I’ve read several theories. Psychic medium George Anderson suggests that many people don’t know they’re dead. Apparently, the transition from life […]
What signs do the dead offer us?
Have you ever heard of a watch or clock stopping at the moment of a person’s death? Paranormal researcher Louisa E. Rhine, in her classic book, Hidden Channels of the Mind, reported on several instances when timepieces froze at the very moment someone died. She and her husband and fellow Duke University researcher Dr. Joseph B. […]
Do animals have an afterlife?
If you’ve ever loved and lost a pet, there’s good news. They’re alive and well on the Other Side. Several years ago, our family had a wonderful cat named Nala who was poisoned by tainted cat-food ingredients from China. The extent of our grief over her senseless suffering and death cannot be expressed in words. […]