Paranormal Ramblings

Is the universe invisibly crowded?

Is the universe invisibly crowded?

“Strange to say, the luminous world is the invisible world; the luminous world is that which we do not see. Our eyes of flesh see only night.”—Victor Hugo (1802-1885) I wonder if French novelist Victor Hugo realized how true that statement might be when it comes to our disappearing universe? Disappearing universe, you might wonder? […]

Are psychics all-knowing?

Are psychics all-knowing?

The quick answer to that is, of course not! Psychics do not “know” anything. They get their messages from guides or other spirits on the other side and just deliver them, like a spiritual letter carrier. They can only deliver what messages they receive and nothing more. During my years of living around and researching […]

Stephen's parents, Connie and Leo, knew each other for six weeks when he proposed.

When does a handshake mean more than a kiss?

I’ll never forget the night I met my future husband, Stephen. I had interviewed a psychic for an article and she invited me to her psychic development class. I didn’t really believe in the paranormal, so I ignored the invitation for a year. Then one night, on the spur of the moment, I decided to […]

Can your thoughts change the world?

Can your thoughts change the world?

A popular phrase we often hear is “If looks could kill…,” but if facial expressions and body language possess that much emotional force, what about thoughts? Do they have any effect on the world around us? Many metaphysical writers and theologians say yes. Everything in the physical world begins with a thought, write Silvia Cranston […]

Do the departed send us flowers?

Do the departed send us flowers?

Many years ago, I traveled north to the Omega Institute in New York State on a cold wintry day to listen to medium George Anderson communicate with the dead. My daughter and I were staying there for the weekend and had to tread across a frozen landscape to the building that housed the large meeting […]